Photography by Elie Benistant // @eliebenistant with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Published by Fucking Young Magazine // @fuuuckingyoung
Model Ken // @sh3lovescampbell with Kult South Africa // @kultsouthafrica
Creative Direction by Tanita // @tanitamegta
Styling by Thapelo Mofokeng // @thapelomofokengstyling
Client Thebe Magugu // @thebemagugu ‘Doublethink’ SS22 collection
Photographed by Kristen Lee Moolman // @kristinleemoolman
Styling and Art Direction by Chloe Andrea Welgemoed // @chloeandreawelgemoed with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Lighting by Thato // @thato_director_p & Simo Ngubeni // @simo.ngubeni
Make up by Annice Gerber // @annicemakeup
Hair by Brando // @zwannepoel
Production by Lampost // @lampost.production
Client Ted Baker’s ‘Colours by Numbers’ lookbook // @tedbaker
Photography by Cara Johnson // @carajohnsonphotography with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Model Alek Wek // @msalekwek
Produced by Mercy Mercy //
Photography by Amber Pinkerton // @ambercashmere
Production Design & Set by Francois Ferreira @francois._ferreira with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Styling by Anna Törnqvisr // @annatorn
Hair by Amidat Giwa // @am_stagrams
Make Up by Lauren Reynolds // @laurenfreynolds
Client BLUEMARBLE // @bluemarbleparis
Photography by Elie Benistant // @eliebenistant with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Bandile M // @chokochamp_ with Twenty Model Management // @twentymodelmanagement
Art Direction by Tanita Mehta // @tanitamehta
Photography by Sasha Olsen // @sashaxolsen
Model Karl Kugelmann // @karl_kugelmann with Fanjam Management // @fanjam_management
Fashion by Peter Georgiades // @petergeorgiades with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Make-up & Hair Claudine Németh // @claudinethequeen
Photography Assistant Juandre Naude with Gloss Artist Management // @gloss_artist_management
Published by Fucking Young // @fuuuckingyoung
Photographed by Michael Oliver Love // @michaeloliverlove with Hero Creative Management // @herocreativemanagement
Styling by Louw Kotzé // louw.77
Grooming by Inga Hewett // @ingahewett with Hero Creative Management // @herocreativemanagement
Model Aaron Shandel // @aaronshandel with Kult Models // @kultsouthafrica
Photography by Jessica Sidenros with Freda+Woolf
Styliste : Charlotte Gindreau with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Mise en beauté : Nicola Kurdziel // @kultartists
Models Lasse, Merle, Sophie Z, Akira, Anna H with Junior Models
Rita, Soolyn, Dalia with Lichtkind
Client Maison Kitsune // @maisonkitsune
Photography by Elie Benistant // @eliebenistant with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Styling by Morgane Nichols // @morganecamillenicolas
Client Romaria Knitwear // @romaria_knitwear
Creative Studio – Spaanspeck // @spaanspeck
Photographer – Paul Samuels // @paulmsam
Photography Assist – Olivia Mortimer // @mortimer_olivia
Stylist & Art Director – Chloe Andrea
Welgemoed // @chloeandreawelgemoed with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Styling Assist – Jana-Marie De Jager // @jmdejager_.
Mua Alex Botha // @alexandra_julliet_mua with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Mua Assist Jennifer Rose Krug // @_ivnnifer_
Hair Saadique Ryklief // @saadique with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Featuring @farahsamsoodeen @syntiche_kabuya @shakirahsithole @jodie_ennik @yasminfurmie