Isa Boulder

Isa Boulder // @isaboulder Summer 2023 Campaign

Production by Disco Creatives // @discocreatives

Executive Producer Candice Hatting // @hattles

Photography by Lea Colombo // @leacolombo

Directed by Casa Colombo // @leacolombo @robocolo

Creative Director by SJT Studio // @sarahjaynetodd_

Original Music & Sound Design by Daniel Lidchi // @daniellidchi and Nic Van Reenan // @ex_olympic

Lighting Direction by Margaux Jouanneux // @margauxjouanneau

Styling and consulting by Morgane Camille // @morganecamillenicolas

Casting by Simone Schofer // @simoneschofer & Disco Casting // @discocasting

Hair and make up Saskia Buxton // @saskiabuxton with Disco Creatives // @discocreatives

Models Hloney Mokele // @hloneeeymokele with Twenty Model Management // @twentymodelmanagement & Kayla Masha // @_kaylamasha_ with My Friend Ned // @myfriendned