
Thebe Magugu | Heirloom

Styling by Chloe Andrea Welgemoed & Hair by Saadique Ryklief

Client Thebe Magugu // @thebemagugu ‘Heirloom Shirts’
Photography by Alice Mann // @alicemann
Stylist + Art Director by Chloe Andrea Welgemoed // @chloeandreawelgemoed with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Photographer Assistant Retang Sebeka // @retang_sebeka & Lonwabo Kente // @lonwabss
Director Dune Tilley // @dunetilley
Creative Studio Spaanspeck // @spaanspeck
MUA Annice Roux Gerber // @annicemakeup
Hair by Saadique Ryklief // @saadique with DISCO Creatives // @discocreatives
Set by Carel Combrinck // @Carelcombrinck
Muses: Lloyd // & Syntiche Kabuya // @syntiche_kabuya