Styling by Peter Georgiades
For BASH // @friendsofbash
Photography by Steve Marais // @stevemarais with One League //@oneleague_agency
Styling by Peter Georgiades // @petergeorgiades with // @discocreatives
Styling Assistant by Duncan Ray Nowers //@duncanraynowers
Hair and Make-up by Michi Schnietzel //@michischietzel and Kelly Taylor //@kellytaylor_portfolio with One League // @oneleague_agency
Martini Ferreira // @martiniqueferreira & Dillon Sibanda at Outlaw Model Management //
Asi Lee Sinari // @sinari.asi with Topco // @topcomodels
@_sir_real at Circle // @thecirclemodels
Abdul R at Ten Artist Management // @tenartistmanagement